What Are Common Causes of Car Accidents in Los Angeles?

If Los Angeles locals and tourists can agree on one thing, it’s that the traffic is terrible.

Los Angeles consistently reports one of the highest auto accident rates in the country – 2022 saw the highest number of fatal car accidents in two decades, eclipsing 300.

Car accidents occur in Los Angeles for many different reasons – from user error and young drivers to manufacturer defects and road conditions. Looking at the country as a whole, accidents are more common in urban areas, highways, freeways, and city centers – with fatalities being more common on highways due to increased speed.

At Cline APC – a California lemon law firm – our mission is to help CA residents earn fair compensation from a manufacturer after being sold a defective vehicle. This involves getting faulty vehicles off the road as quickly as possible to begin the process, which in turn helps to keep the roads safer from accidents.

In this post, we want to discuss some of the most common causes of car accidents in the Los Angeles area. Let’s get right into it.

Traffic Congestion

Let’s start with one of the most common observations about Los Angeles: the traffic congestion.

Los Angeles’s public transportation system is nowhere near the level of other major US cities like Chicago and New York. Most LA residents must rely on their own means of transportation – meaning there are tons of cars on the roads at all times.

This congestion leads to slower speeds, gridlock, and inevitably, frustration.

The bottleneck effect created by traffic congestion significantly increases the likelihood of accidents as drivers may respond unpredictably to slow-moving vehicles.

Furthermore, the stress and irritation from being stuck in gridlock traffic can lead to aggressive driving behaviors, further elevating the risk of collisions. This dense concentration of vehicles requires heightened awareness and patience from all drivers over a long period of time.

Manufacturer Defects

Vehicles with faulty brakes, steering issues, or engine problems pose a serious risk not only to the driver but to everyone on the roadways.

As a California lemon law lawyer, my job is to help affected consumers earn a fair settlement after being sold a vehicle with substantial defects. However, the challenge oftentimes comes down to getting these consumers to take the first step in legal recourse.

Having a malfunctioning vehicle is extremely inconvenient, we understand.

The worst thing a consumer can do if their vehicle is showing signs of manufacturer defects is wait.

This is for two key reasons.

First and foremost, it puts you and other drivers at risk of accidents.

Two, it will be more difficult to earn fair compensation from the manufacturer.

For a California lemon law claim to be valid, there must be a substantial defect in that the manufacturer has failed to fix after a reasonable number of repair attempts. Additionally, this defect must not have been a result of driver error, neglect, or abuse.

Say you notice a defect and don’t do anything about it for six months. For one, you are risking an accident every time you drive; two, you are exposing yourself to driver error – which may impact a lemon law claim down the line; and three, you’re showing that the defect may not be “substantial” enough to warrant a claim.

My advice is this: if you’re experiencing ANY signs of manufacturer defects, get in touch with the manufacturer to begin the repair process immediately. Or, speak with a California lemon law lawyer to learn about your options.

1. Speeding/Reckless Driving

The thrill of speeding can come with dire consequences – and it’s a common cause of car accidents in Los Angeles. This reckless behavior – including street racing and unsafe lane changes – endangers both drivers and pedestrians –  highlighting the responsibility drivers have to uphold public safety.

High speeds significantly reduce reaction times – which increases the severity of crashes when they occur. In a densely populated area like Los Angeles, it’s paramount for drivers to follow the speed limit and drive responsibly.

2. Distracted Driving

Distracted driving – whether due to using a cell phone, eating, or any other activity – is a leading cause of car accidents in Los Angeles, and the world as a whole. Even a second of distraction can cause a driver to lose control on the crowded Los Angeles roadways. Motorists should always stay focused on driving and avoid any actions that could divert their attention.

Distracted driving is like driving blindfolded, where even a momentary lapse in attention can have irreversible consequences. Los Angeles’s roads demand undivided attention to navigate safely, highlighting the critical need to eliminate distractions and focus solely on driving.

3. Tailgating/Aggressive Driving

Tailgating and aggressive driving behavior – which commonly includes weaving in and out of traffic or honking incessantly – can escalate into accidents. These behaviors often result from impatience or frustration, especially during Los Angeles’s notoriously bad rush hour.

Maintaining a safe distance (at least one car length) from the vehicle ahead and practicing patience can help mitigate these risks.

Aggressive driving drastically reduces the time and space available to react to sudden changes in traffic flow. This type of behavior is often a precursor to road rage incidents, which can escalate quickly and with potentially fatal outcomes.

4. Driver Fatigue

Driving while tired has been found to be as dangerous as driving under the influence of alcohol.

Fatigue impairs judgment, slows reaction times, and can lead to falling asleep at the wheel. Los Angeles drivers MUST recognize the initial signs of fatigue and take breaks or switch drivers.

Fatigued driving is a silent threat that many people tend to underestimate. Having the self-awareness to spot the first indications of drowsy driving and acting responsibly is crucial to avoid potential disasters on the road.

5. Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol

Driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs remains a top cause of car accidents in Los Angeles.

It’s estimated that around 40% of traffic fatalities are related to drunk driving on the roadways. Alcohol severely impairs driving abilities, leading to poor decision-making and slower reaction times – similar to fatigued driving.

The decision to drive under the influence is not only illegal but morally reprehensible, as it knowingly puts lives at risk. If you cause an accident while intoxicated, the courts rarely show any leniency. The effects of alcohol and drugs on driving skills are not to be underestimated, as they significantly compromise the ability to make sound judgments and react quickly to situations.

6. Road Conditions

Believe it or not, there ARE poor weather conditions in Los Angeles from time to time.

While there is no snow or ice to worry about, LA roadways are no strangers to potholes and poorly marked construction zones, which can contribute to car accidents.

Rain – while relatively rare – poses a significant risk on the roads. Generally speaking, there are long stretches in the summer months with little to no rainfall. When it does rain after a long dry spell, all the buildup on the roads becomes slippery and creates a higher risk of collisions.

Drivers should remain vigilant and adjust their driving to match the conditions of the road, reducing the likelihood of road accidents.

Wrap Up

If you live in Los Angeles, you surely know how dangerous the crowded roadways are. Every driver has a responsibility to keep themselves and other people safe on the road. Together, we can all help to reduce the causes of car accidents.

Now, while most accidents can be attributed to driver error, others (like vehicle defects) are attributed to mistakes in the manufacturing process. Owners of defective vehicles deserve to be fully compensated after being sold a faulty vehicle.

If you believe your new or used vehicle in Los Angeles is exhibiting manufacturer defects, get in touch with our California lemon law firm today for a FREE consultation.

We’ll discuss your situation in detail, determine if you have a valid California lemon law claim, and talk about the next steps to earning justice.  Call us directly at  888-982-6915, send an email to info@clineapc.com, or schedule a free consultation.

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