California Lemon Law Attorney Fees

Free california lemon law

Case evaluation

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What Does It Cost to Hire a California Lemon Law Attorney?

At Cline APC, you will never pay attorneys’ fees, costs or expenses from your lemon law buy-back – the manufacturer does when the dust settles.

California law requires the manufacturer to pay your lemon law attorney fees, court costs, and expenses for all legal aid when you prevail. That means we are never paid for legal services rendered unless, and until, we get you a monetary recovery. In other words, our success as a law firm is directly tied to your success.

You didn’t choose to buy a defective vehicle – why should you get punished by extra costs? 

We do not extract extra “contingency fees,” demand out-of-pocket-expenses upfront, or hit you with any other hidden charges from your California lemon law buyback. Other California lemon law lawyers may take a percentage of your recovery – as much as 4 to 6% of the purchase price of your vehicle.

These extra California lemon law attorney fees are not required by law – and we don’t believe in charging you for them.

For a 100% free evaluation of your California lemon law case, contact Cline APC.

Included in the evaluation of every accepted case is step-by-step analysis of the lemon law process and a written estimate of your potential new or used car lemon law buyback settlement. Mr. Cline, the owner and a proven trial attorney in this area of law, will provide an exhaustive consultation at no cost to you.

Our services include seven-day a week availability, a personal lemon law attorney, necessary travel, and preparation for the vehicle buy-back and surrender. We will be present at any scheduled in-person meetings and all court appearances, if necessary. 

Forget about upfront attorney fees in California – let’s focus on winning your case.


Give us a call at 888.982.6915 or send an email to Our team of California lemon law lawyers will be happy to walk you through the process and explain your attorneys’ fees in detail